There’s a word that's been deeply inspiring me recently.
This word isn’t just a word to me. It’s a beacon and an invitation to reawaken and to step up. It's a wake-up chime and a moving current pulling me to rise, feel my feet on the ground, and step forward.
You've got your words too - words that call to you, inspire you, move you. Words that Source you.
So read this post as if it's about your words. (Because it is about your words too.)
My word...
It reminds me that there’s no one right way.
It reminds me that any moment, in fact every moment, is an opportunity to change, to morph, to transform.
It reminds me that there’s an infinite way to view the current state of things. It reminds me that I can look at my circumstances in any number of ways.
It reminds me that my thinking is unlimited, changeable, and distinctly different from the facts of reality.
It reminds me that my thinking isn't inherently limiting, dangerous, or scary. It reminds me that I can think all thoughts and still be whole, healthy, well, and great.
It reminds me that my feelings aren’t inherently limiting, inherently dangerous, or inherently scary. It reminds me that I can feel all feelings and still be okay, that I can feel all feelings and still be great.
It reminds me that I’m extraordinary and that there are numerous ways I can represent my extraordinary-ness in my life in any moment.
It reminds me that we’re all extraordinary. It reminds me that I’m committed to and passionate about each of us experiencing our extraordinary-ness in our lives.
It reminds me that unconditional love, unconditional peace, unconditional presence, and unconditional understanding are possible in every moment.
It reminds me that whether I want it or not, I indeed have my hands on the steering wheel of my life.
This word reminds me to responsibly Be. It reminds me who I am and who I am committed to being.
This word isn’t just a word - it’s a state of being.
And whether it speaks to you like it does to me doesn’t really matter. You find your own words that remind you of all of that. You find your own words that call you to be. You find your own words that reach inside to the deepest parts of yourself and poke you back awake, poke you back into action, and most importantly, poke you into being.
Unconventional. I am that.
Thank you so much for engaging with my work. 🙏
P.S. If you're ready to put aside the default words that have defined you and experience a space to re-create yourself, reach out and let's see what working together might look like.